Health Office

TDAP Information:

AB354 requires that all students in grades 7-12 have a (Tdap) booster before they start school.  They must have had this shot on or after their 7th birthday.  Please bring or mail your child's immunization record showing that the requirement has been met. 

For more information on immunizations for school, click here.

Medication at School: 

An Authorization form is available on this website or in the health office if your student needs to take medication, requires an EpiPen or will need an inhaler at school.  Please bring the form, signed by the doctor and by you, to the Nurse's office.  NOTE:  Students are not allowed to carry any medication in their backpacks (Inhalers excepted).

For information on other Health Resources, click here.


Health Office Staff

District Nurse:
Celeste Baker
(530) 934-6633 ext 4006